False Twin Flame Energy Stealer
This attribute is quite similar to the description of a psychopath and in psychological terms a psychopath and an energy stealer are one in the same.
False twin flame energy stealer. A false twin or energy stealer rarely takes responsibility for their actions or admit to their wrongdoings. They get a high from the drama that follows them. In searching for a twin flame some people will meet a false twin flame. This is in order to maintain the connection but is usually not sustainable in distance or upon a drop in communication.
False twin flame energy stealer work for resolve what can you do about false twin flame energy stealers. A false twin is someone whom you meet that seems to share the same energetic blueprint as you but are only there to serve as the catalyst for their own spiritual growth. Before you meet your twin flame you may have what is known as a false twin flame relationship. If you see this behavior then you are trusting a false twin flame and you will be used and mistreated and left feeling guilty all the time.
A false twin flame can enter your life the same way as a true twin but once that connection is established the false twin will feed on your light. They are also known as energy suckers that feed off of the other person s higher vibrational frequency. Not in every way though. A twin flame will never control or manipulate you.
The twin flame relationship is almost always characterized by a sort of back and forth breaking up and then reuniting later. A false twin flame will have similar characteristics to the true twin flame but the relationship will drain your energy. Your false twin will bring up intense feelings of doubt. A false twin flame will not open up to you or share their secrets or weaknesses.
The false twin flame will mirror many of the qualities anticipated from a true twin flame and in the process gain a level of control over the more evolved individual. A fake twin flame is a karmic relationship that helps to prepare you for your real twin flame relationship but it differs from other karmic relationships because it mirrors your twin flame relationship in many ways. They are the antithesis of your true twin who nourishes your higher self rather than sapping the power from you.